'Angel' 2003 - 2009

'Angel' has evoked responses from HRH Queen Elizabeth II (2006) to Joyce Meyer (2010), Warner Brothers New York (2010) to The London Met Office (2006), Mohammed Al Fayed (2005) to Religious Leaders, 'everyday Clients' and more...
Testimonies between 2003 ~ 2009...
Jim ~ 25th November 2009
'I first saw your "Angel in the "Arts for England" magazine whilst waiting for an appointment with my wife at hospital. The picture is fantastic and brought a lot of comfort to us on the day hence we would like to be able to send some cards to our friends and relatives. You are so lucky to have seen the image for real and we have no doubts it is the real thing.
Also we are so grateful for your "Angel" card with thoughts and blessings, it is so kind of you to think of us and the card will be placed in the lounge where we can see it each and every day. Hopefully our "Angels" will help us through these tough times and into much more pleasant and restful days. We wish the same for you and your family also. Have a great Christmas you deserve it for all your hard work, devotion and talent in bringing "Angel" to us.'
Janet ~ 23rd May 2009
‘I have the most amazing photo / picture on my wall. Thank you for sharing it with me.’
Julie ~ 9th May 2009
‘Congratulations on getting your photo on the front cover of Art of England Magazine! Well done.’
Linda ~ 30th April 2009
‘It is absolutely beautiful and the story of how you saw it is fabulous. The photograph hangs above my desk and is a constant reminder of the wonder of God and nature. I wanted to thank you.’
Roger ~ 15th April 2009
‘We get so many comments about Angel in our house and we have a light that picks out the colours incredibly well giving it more impact. So very happy’.
Jill (Loet Vanderveen) ~ 3rd April 2009
‘What an amazing feature and front cover in Art of England !!!! Many congratulations from us all – you should be so very proud of your achievements. You deserve huge success and we are sure you will have all you deserve and more.'
Andrew T~ 28th March 2009
'...the print still has pride of place on my wall and everyone who sees it comments on it being a truly beautiful and inspirational piece.'
Rosemary W ~ 28th March 2009
'Art of England! Amazing!'
Andrew T~ 29th March 2009
'Lovely to hear, and i'm so glad, the Angel is getting more exposure – I still love the print we have in our bedroom and look at it every day when I wake up….It’s still the only thing on the wall – hard to match it! Good luck with your gallery and your work.'
Richard R ~ News Editor, Henley Standard ~ 24th March 2009
'Most impressive!'
Emma C ~ News Editor, Henley Standard ~ 23rd March 2009
'We got the Art of England mag the other day...your image looks amazing!!! Well done! We thought it was pretty good timing to be on the cover above Picasso!'
Pat ~ 20th October 2007
‘I just want you to know that our grand-daughter is surrounded by Angels. Your card is now in a frame over her cot. “Everyone is born with a Guardian Angel and a star that bears their name” and I believe that Angels watch over her’.
Andrew ~ June 21st 2007
‘It is a truly inspiring and beautiful photograph’
(remain Anon) ~ 23rd May 2007
‘My daughter recently passed away and I called her my little angel, so it has really helped me, I thought it was beautiful. Thank you.’
Huw ~ 14th March 2007
‘We were so lucky to be seated beside your picture in The New Angel’.
*** Lady M-C ~ 22nd February 2007
‘I’m sending your card to a friend as I think she will twinkle from her toes upwards when she sees it’
Enclosed with Ezekiel Chapter one Verses 26b - 28
(remain Anon) ~ 27th November 2006
‘Your cards have helped so many of my friends who are suffering from bereavement’
(remain Anon) ~ 17th November 2006
‘My friend bought me your card in July as I had lost my baby daughter, and I found it a great comfort, which I have put in a frame because it means a lot to me. I have a friend who has just lost her baby son in similar circumstances and her little girl says he is an Angel, so I know it would comfort her in the same way it did me. It will be so helpful in this sad time. Many Thanks.’
Ellie ~ 14th November 2006
‘Your picture – it is amazing’
Anna-Marie ~ 9th November 2006
‘There is a presence about the picture that is difficult to explain but that is so real that it creates something very special and almost emotional. Thank you so much. Rest assured she will have a very special place in our house and will bring a great deal of enjoyment and atmosphere in our home. Thank you once again and all the very best for the future.’
Julie ~ 6th November 2006
‘Simply wonderful’
Linda ~ 8th August 2006
‘As a Christian I believe that God is with mankind and the Angelic realm are part of his creation, therefore Angels are his Messengers. This Angel photograph gives me great excitement, and reminds me of Revelations Ch14 ~ vs 6 & 7:
‘I saw another angel flying in mid air with an everlasting gospel of good news to tell the inhabitants of the earth to every race, tribe & tongue and people that he cried out with a mighty voice revere God and give him glory honour and praise in worship for the hour of his judgement has arrived fall down before him, pay him homage, adoration and worship him who created Heaven and Earth, the Sea and the Springs (fountains of water)’.
*** HRH Queen Elizabeth II ~ 31st July 2006
‘Thank you for your lovely photograph’
Neil ~ 2nd June 2006
‘I love it and will treasure it’
***The Met Office ~ 16th February 2006
‘The Picture is an Optical Phenomena caused by the sun shining through cloud that is made up of ice crystals. The ice crystals cause the sun’s rays to split, just like a rainbow is formed after a heavy shower, and these rays of light can get all mixed up if there are lots and lots of ice crystals in the cloud, forming unusual shapes as your example shows, and yours is the most interesting I have seen, as you say, it does look like an Angel!’
*** Mohammed Al Fayed ~ 26th April 2005
‘I am most grateful for your kind and thoughtful words of support and your words were of great comfort. Thank you for your beautiful photography.’
(remain Anon) ~ 13th August 2003
‘How amazing. You were meant to see this and it was intended for you, and I believe you are meant to show people. Nothing is a fluke nor a coincidence.'